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The Psychological Counseling Center of Hebei North University

Time:2018 03 29 Click:6710
Sometimes students are stressed out and need some counseling in order to pull them back to their normal healthy life. The psychological counseling center of HBNU is a professional institution under the management of the student's Affairs Division, which provides free mental health education guidance and counseling service for all the foreign students. The psychological counselors at the center are all certified by the Academic Authority and they provide counseling services for the students who are dealing with psychological problems.

In order to help our foreign students to establish mental health awareness and enhance moral quality, the institution offers a mental health course and often organizes all kinds of lectures about psychology.

The psychology center of HBNU provides two types of services:

1. Personal psychological counseling:
The consultation takes place in a very comfortable environment. In the counseling room the counselor will try its best to solve the students issues which may have evoked due to emotional or financial problems. The counselor listens to all the problems the student is facing in a session of 50 minutes and after charting out every pros and cons of the issue, the students is either prescribed or is suggested with few changes that he has to make in his life in order to make it more bright and joyous.

2. group psychological counseling service:
The group psychological counseling is a counseling form that helps students to solve common problems. Under the group circumstance, the counselor will lead students to discuss, acknowledge and solve the common problems on the basis of working together. The consultation time is about 90 minutes per session.

Reservation details:
  • Time: 18:30-21:00 ( you can make an appointment during this time)
  • Location: room 201 & 209 of the life research center (west campus)

    The Psychological Counseling Center of Hebei North University

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